Service Times: Sundays at 10 am

Volunteer Training

Policies & Procedures

Please take the time to go over the highlighted sections of the Policies and Procedures that we have here at CCRC.

Disability Awareness

Introduction to Disability Awareness

How is CCRC Accessible?

Accessibility - Ramps

Ramps are available for access to most entrances into and locations within the church building.

Accessibility - door openers

In addition to ramps, all entrances to the church building have at least one automatic door opener!

Accessibility - crash bars

Crash bars are fitted on all emergency exits.

Accessible platform hall

Platform hall are all flat.

Accessibility - large print bulletins

Large print bulletins are available to all visitors.

Accessibility - hearing loop

New hearing loop is available to those with hearing difficulties/disability. There is also clear lettering for projection.

Accessible handrails

Handrails available for platform access (not visible here).


Here you will be prompted to choose a course of action in a series of hypothetical situations. You will not be marked, but please do your best as these are designed to draw attention to the nuances which the Policies and Procedures are designed to address.

Many scenarios have been presented in previous years for training nights. These scenarios have been created by your Safe Church Committee Chair, Paula La Fontaine, who is a police officer with the Waterloo Regional Police Service. Although they have been created keeping current laws and policies in mind, sometimes events occur that aren't exactly as they appear in these scenarios and sometimes how a person interprets a scenario is different than others. I know that nobody wants to hear that there could be more than one "correct" answer, but as long as you follow the policy, use common sense, and consult a fellow volunteer, leader, Pastor, etc. when you’re unsure, you will do great! Don't forget to notify the Safe Church Committee by filling out an incident report and e-mailing it to Donna at or handing it in to her office.

You will not be able to proceed until all situations have been answered.

Disability Awareness Scenario 1

If a person requests accommodation within the church for any disability, whether it is cognitive, physical, or otherwise, all staff and volunteers shall:

Our church is obligated under the AODA to provide accommodations to the point of undue harm, which could be a cost that's unaffordable or if the accommodation puts someone else in harm's way. CCRC currently provides large print bulletins, installed a t-loop for the hard of hearing, is wheelchair accessible, and more.

Volunteer Training

  • Welcome
  • Ministries
  • Introductions
  • Policies & Procedures
    • Disability Awareness
    • Emergency Awareness - Fire Safety
    • Abuse Prevention Awareness
  • Acknowledgment
  • Thank You